Pregnancy weeks are calculated from the day the last menstrual period ends. It is not known exactly with today’s medical technology whether pregnancy occurs 3 or 5 days after the end of menstruation. When the next menstrual period is late, expectant mothers suspect pregnancy and go to the gynecologist, and if pregnancy occurs, the doctor tells them that the baby is four weeks old. In the light of this information, it is not possible to talk about pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks. Because in the first two weeks, the eggs wait for the sperm to unite. Only one of the millions of sperm cells penetrates the layer above the egg cell and manages to enter the egg cell.
What happens in the 3rd week of pregnancy?
The formation that occurs when quality and mature sperm pass through the tubes and unite with the egg and fertilization occurs, is called zygote. The first form of the baby, the zygote, is formed during this week and all the genetic characteristics of the baby to be born are determined during this period. It is also known that the gender of the baby is determined during fertilization. Amniotic fluid, which will turn into the amniotic sac, begins to accumulate around the ball of cells formed this week, and this fluid protects the fetus until the end of pregnancy. One of the most distinctive features of the 3rd week of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. Implantation; This is when the expectant mother bleeds a few drops while the cells formed by the sperm and egg, which come together after fertilization, secrete enzymes and move within the uterine wall and try to find a suitable and safe place for themselves. For expectant mothers who do not experience implantation bleeding during this period, there are no other obvious signs of pregnancy.
What are the nutrients and vitamins that should be taken in the 3rd week of pregnancy?
It is known that expectant mothers who decide to have a baby and start trying for this should start using folic acid before pregnancy begins. It is recommended that expectant mothers take 400 micrograms of folic acid a day through pills or foods containing folic acid. It is known that orange juice, fruits, grains, peanuts, beef liver, legumes and green leafy vegetables contain plenty of folic acid. Taking the required amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy; It can prevent possible problems that may occur in the baby’s central nervous system. For example; Problems such as openness in the spine of babies with folic acid deficiency and brain tissues not developing to the expected extent are frequently observed. For this reason, folic acid intake is shown as one of the most important issues to pay attention to during pregnancy. Apart from these, protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals required for the health of the baby and mother should be taken regularly. While 45 grams of protein intake per day is sufficient under normal conditions, pregnant women require approximately 70 grams of protein. In this regard, milk and dairy products, green vegetables, legumes, red meat and eggs should be consumed.
What are the symptoms of the 3rd week of pregnancy?
In the 3rd week, the pregnancy, which is not yet medically known, can be recognized by some changes felt by the expectant mother. For example, tender and swollen breasts, frequent urination, extreme sensitivity to odors, unusual bouts of nausea and vomiting, sudden increases in body temperature and sudden sweating are among the early signs of pregnancy. Although these impressions are not definitive indicators of pregnancy, they can give clues about pregnancy.