Intra-Abdominal Adhesions

Some discomforts, infections, inflammatory problems related to the intra-abdominal organs of the woman can be caused by intra-abdominal adhesions. Solving the intra-abdominal adhesions One of the factors that cause infertility in women is intra-abdominal adhesions. Due to previous surgical operations, diseases; ovaries, intestines, uterus, cervix, tubes, especially intra-abdominal organs can adhere to each other or […]
Fertilization Improvement Process with Calcium Ionophore

In whom is fertilization with calcium ionophore performed? The first stage of IVF treatment is the consultancy service for the mother and father-to-be, and the second stage is the process of obtaining the appropriate egg for fertilization by stimulating the ovaries of the mother with hormone medications. In this way, sufficient number and quality of […]
What are the causes that lead to infertility in women?

What are the causes that lead to infertility in women? The leading causes of infertility in women can be listed as egg disorders, deformation or obstruction in the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, cervical problems, egg reserves, uterus or ovarian surgeries. Ovulation disorders. In order for pregnancy to occur, the woman’s egg must first be expelled from […]
The Role of Hormones in Women’s Life

The role of hormones in women’s life is big. FHS, AHM, Prolactin, Hpophysis, Thyroid hormones should be controlled and treated when necessary. How much does the FSH Hormone change with menopause and age? In women, FSH hormone (Follicle stimulating hormone) is secreted from the pituitary gland in the brain and, as the name suggests, stimulates […]
In which cases is hysteroscopy performed, what are its types?

In which cases is hysteroscopy performed, what are its types? In the presence of myoma or polyp occupying space in the uterus, In the presence of intrauterine curtain (uterine septum), which is one of the types of congenital uterine anomaly, In order to open intrauterine adhesions, In case of residual tissue remaining in the uterus […]
Vitamin D in Pregnancy

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin in a group of fat-soluble pro hormones. Vitamin D during pregnancy is what mothers-to-be should take in the recommended amount, both during pregnancy and for their own well-being and the healthy development of their baby. The most important compounds in human development are D2 and D3. Why do I […]
What are the factors that lead to male infertility?

What are the factors that lead to infertility in men, we can divide it into three main groups. Impaired sperm production Problems in the ducts that carry sperm out of the testicles Sperm Production Disorders Low sperm count, low motility and deformity in sperm make it difficult to achieve pregnancy naturally. It can even make […]
What is Male Infertility?

Male Infertility In 25% of couples who cannot have children, only male-related disorders are seen, and in 40-50% of couples, both female and male disorders are seen together. Semen analysis (spermiogram) is one of the examinations that should be performed depending on the man. Along with sperm count and motility, the morphological structure (external appearance) […]
How is Embryo Freezing Done?

The first frozen embryo baby was born in 1984. Thanks to the eggs collected from the mother-to-be with the embryo freezing method, there is a chance to apply for IVF treatment again. If the embryos are of good quality and are taken when the mother’s age is appropriate, the chance of giving birth to healthy […]
What Is a Low Sperm Count?

A low sperm count means that the sperm count may not be enough for pregnancy. Sperm production is a complex process and requires the normal functioning of the testes, as well as the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which produce hormones that trigger sperm production in the brain. Problems with any of these systems can affect […]